Phone numbers

Best practice for formatting phone numbers that will work with most mobile devices, skype and similar software that can perform telephone calls.

Recommended formatting:

Norwegian numbers

+[[Country Code]]<space>[[Number]]

8-digit number

+47 12345678

5-digit number

+47 12345

3-digit number

3-digit numbers are not reachable outside of Norway, therfore the recommended format on 3-digit numbers are:



International numbers

For international numbers you may use prefered local formatting, but you should try to set it up in following format:

+[[Country Code]]<space>[[Number]]


+44 2036080581

+372 6401163

+41 796148980

Accepted formatting

Norwegian numbers

8-digit numbers

+47 12345678

+47 12 34 56 78

+47 123 45 678

+47 1234 5678

(+47) 12345678

(+47) 12 34 56 78

(+47) 123 45 678

(+47) 1234 5678


12 34 56 78

123 45 678

1234 5678

5-digit numbers


12 345

+47 12345

+47 12 345

(+47) 12345

(+47) 12 345

3-digit numbers


International numbers

Supports local fomatting and extentions

(+12) 1234 567 
+12 12 34 56 78 
+12 (0) 123-45678

Not accepted formatting

Norwegian numbers

Grouped numbers are not supported

Example: 12345678 / 12345678

Alternative numbers(Telephone, Fax, Telex, Mobile) are not supported

Example 12345678 / 12 / 34 / 56 / 78

Extentions are not supported

Example: 1245678-12

International numbers 

Grouped numbers are not supported

Example: +12 12345678 / +12 12345678

Alternative numbers(Telephone, Fax, Telex, Mobile) are not supported

Example 12345678 / 12 / 34 / 56 / 78


Sources for building best practice on phone numbers: