Text, spelling and language

Text and language remain some of the most important elements in communicating with the readers of Visitnorway, and these are the central topics to keep in mind with regards to this:

Rules of thumb

  1. Readability - Structure the text so it's easy to read: Not too long paragraphs, use paragraph titles if necessary, open up the text by using headlines, images, bulleted lists or other graphical elements that makes your text easier to read.
  2. Do not translate names ... - The reader must be able to recognize names on maps and road signs, so make sure you do not translate them.
  3. ... but explain where necessary - Explain names that are not obvious to foreign readers. For instance, foreigners might not know what is a lake and what is a valley, so write "Gudbrandsdalen valley" and "Mjøsa lake", or explain elsewhere in the text (if that is a natural thing to do). You don't need to explain the same name everywhere, though - the first time it appears on a page is enough.
  4. Tone of voice - Familiarise yourself with our tone of voice in order to match your text to Visitnorway's collective voice, tone, message and style.
  5. Most important first - Keep the most important information first, as you can't count on every reader following the text all the way to the end. Give details later, and additional information at the end, for those who are especially interested.
  6. Write for the reader, not yourself - All your hard work is for nothing if the reader isn't interested in reading your text.
  7. Use complete sentences that make sense - Do not abbreviate or write incomplete sentences that make the reading experience unpleasant. You want the reader's eye and mind to glide effortlessly through the text, which won't be the case if you introduce linguistic snags like that.
  8. Neutral and honest - Write as if you were talking to a friend. Sure you can be enthusiastic, but keep it realistic too. Honesty above all.
  9. Don't promise too much - Make sure the reader isn't given expectations that are too high. Keep it real, and be honest. Remember that what is negative for some is exciting and real for others.
  10. Use descriptive link texts - Make sure your link texts are not too short, not too long, and describe where the link leads to.

Additional information

Related content can be found through the links below: